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Companion: Features

The companion app provides a preview of the document. The preview is interactive and allows you to navigate the document, select elements, and measure distances.

Application screenshotApplication screenshot

Document hierarchy

Document hierarchy is a tree structure that represents the document content. The hierarchy is displayed in the left panel of the companion app. The hierarchy allows you to quickly navigate the document content and select elements.

The tree-structure uses a similar compact concept as C# Fluent API. Each node in the hierarchy represents an element in the document. Please note that certain API calls may produce more advanced hierarchy structures. The hierarchy is interactive, and you can expand and collapse nodes to navigate the document content.

ctrl + WHide / show document hierarchy

Document hierarchy hiddenDocument hierarchy hidden

Document preview

The document preview section (on the right side of the screen) displays the document content. You can interact with the preview in many ways, such as moving the preview, zooming in and out, and measuring distances.

click and dragMove preview
scroll wheelScroll vertically
shift + scroll wheelScroll horizontally
ctrl + scroll wheelZoom
2Show coordinates
3Measure vertically
4Measure horizontally
double clickSelect element
alt + clickOpen link (hyperlink or section link)
ctrl + clickShow implementation of selected area in code editor
ctrl + EFit entire page on the screen (hover cursor over target page)


Use the magnifier feature (shortcut: key 1) to quickly see document's structure details without the need of zooming and adjusting the preview.

Document preview magnifierDocument preview magnifier

Coordinate picker

The coordinate picker feature (shortcut: key 2) allows you to pick the coordinates of the selected element. This feature is useful when you need to know the position of an element in the document.

Document content coordinate pickerDocument content coordinate picker

Size measurement

This feature allows you to measure the size of visual elements in the document, as well as the distance between elements.

You can measure the size of the content vertically (shortcut: key 3) or horizontally (shortcut: key 4).

Document content vertical measurementDocument content vertical measurement

Document content horizontal measurementDocument content horizontal measurement

Element selection

To select an element in the document, click on it in the document hierarchy section, or double-click on the content displayed in the document preview section. The selected element is highlighted in the preview.

Once the element is selected, you can review its details in the appropriate panel, such as configuration, position and size. If the element is visible on multiple pages, you can use arrows keys to navigate between all occurrences.

arrow upPrevious element occurrence
arrow downNext element occurrence
escClear element selection

Selected elementSelected element

Content searching

Quickly navigate the document content by searching for a specific phrase. To search for a phrase, press ctrl + F. The search bar appears at the top of the structure tree view. Enter the phrase you want to search for.

The selected search result is highlighted in both structure tree view and on the document's preview. You can navigate between the search results using the arrow keys (up and down).

ctrl + FSearch by phrase
escExit search mode
arrow upPrevious found element
arrow downNext found element

Content searching featureContent searching feature

Go to implementation

The companion app allows you to quickly navigate to the implementation of the desired area in the code editor. To do this, hold the ctrl key and click on the desired area. The code editor will open with the implementation of the selected area.


The hot-reload feature may limit the accuracy of this feature. The first document load produces the most accurate results. Hot-reloaded documents provide less precise navigation.

The companion app allows you to open links in the document. To open a link, hold the alt key and click on the link.

There are two types of links in the document:

  • Hyperlinks: links to web pages open in a new browser tab,
  • Section links: links to sections in the document move the preview to the target section.

Runtime exceptions

The companion app provides a detailed view of runtime exceptions that occur during document generation. The exception details are displayed in the error panel. You can review the exception message, stack trace, and the source code that caused the exception.

Runtime exception visualizationRuntime exception visualization

Layout issue debugging

In case of layout issues, the companion app provides a set of tools to help you identify and resolve the problem.

If a document contains multiple layout issues, you can navigate between them using the arrow buttons (up and down).

Each element in the document structure view will be annotated with a color-coded dot with the following meaning.

Layout issue root causeElement that is likely the root cause of the layout issue based on library heuristics and prediction.
WrappedElement that cannot be drawn due to the provided layout constraints. This element likely causes the layout issue, or one of its descendant children is responsible for the problem.
Partially renderedElement that can be partially drawn on the page and will also be rendered on the consecutive page. In more complex layouts, this element may also cause issues or contain a child that is the actual root cause.
Fully renderedElement that is successfully and completely drawn on the page.
EmptyElement that has been drawn on the faulty page but took no space.
Not renderedElement that has not been drawn on the faulty page. Its children are omitted.

When an element is selected, additional information about the layout issue is displayed in the element details panel. You can review the reason for the layout wrap or layout overflow. Use that hint and your knowledge about structure elements behavior to resolve the layout issue.

Layout error visualizationLayout error visualization


The companion app provides a set of customization options to adjust the appearance and behavior of the previewer, including:

  • Light and dark theme,
  • Default IDE for code navigation,
  • Changing port number on which the application will communicate.

Settings pageSettings page

Released under the MIT License