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Platform specific dependencies

Support for custom environments (cloud / linux)

The QuestPDF library has a dependency called SkiaSharp which is used to render the final PDF file. This library has additional dependencies when used in the Linux environment.

When you get the exception Unable to load shared library 'libSkiaSharp' or one of its dependencies., please try to install additional NuGet packages provided by the SkiaSharp team.

For example: the SkiaSharp.NativeAssets.Linux.NoDependencies NuGet ensures that the file is published and available.

Support for custom environments (Blazor WebAssembly)


Support for WebAssembly is likely to be deprecated in the 2024.3.0 release. However, we are exploring the possibility of reintroducing support for this platform in the 2024.4.0 release.

Please consider using server-side Blazor or the 2023.12.X release, which will continue to receive extended quality support.

The QuestPDF library has a dependency called SkiaSharp which is used to render the final PDF file. QuestPDF works without problems in Blazor WebAssembly but you need to provide a suitable version of SkiaSharp on runtime.

Note: The tools used in this section are in a prerelease state, they should be used with caution.

First you need to install the WebAssembly tools, that will be used to compile the Skia dependencies to WebAssembly. In a command shell, execute

dotnet workload install wasm-tools

Then you will need to add the SkiaSharp.Views.Blazor NuGet package to your project. SkiaSharp is a crossplatform graphics library based on Skia.

dotnet add package –-prerelease SkiaSharp.Views.Blazor

Subsecuent builds can be slower as the toolchain now compiles Skia to WebAssembly.

Another thing to consider is that WebAssembly code runs on a secured sandbox and it can't access system fonts. For this reason any PDF created with QuestPDF in Blazor WebAssembly will not embed the used fonts. The final font used for rendering will be determined by the PDF viewer. However you can use a custom font as shown in the section Accessing custom fonts.

Support for mobile platforms


Support for mobile platforms (Android, iOS, MacCatalyst) has been deprecated as of the 2024.3.0 release. Future reconsideration of this decision may occur, depending on community feedback and the adoption of MAUI.

Please consider the 2023.12.X release, which will receive extended quality support.

Released under the MIT License